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Nuovo coaching staff 2023

Per la stagione 2023, Warriors&Vipers saranno guidati non da uno bensė da due Head Coach, entrambi italiani e di grandissima esperienza: Davide Giuliano e Giorgio Gerbaldi condivideranno scelte tecniche e strategiche, l'uno in attacco e l'altro in difesa, ma entrambi rivestendo un ruolo apicale all'interno del coaching staff giallo-blu.


Significant changes for the 2023 season @Warriors&Vipers: two national-level head coaches will join their skills and football know-how to guide the newly minted team. The talented and experienced Davide Giuliano and Giorgio Gerbaldi will share technical and strategic choices, one in attack and the other in defense, playing an equal and top role within the yellow-blue coaching staff.